ISO 14001 Accredited Cleaning

Your assurance that we clean with minimal impact on the environment

Pamper Cleaning is proud to be an ISO 14001 accredited cleaning company. This internationally recognised accreditation is your guarantee that we are independently checked and approved as having an excellent ‘environmental management system’ in place.

What does ISO 14001 accreditation mean?

ISO 14000 is a family of standards related to environmental management that exists to help organizations:

  1. Minimize how their operations (processes etc.) negatively affect the environment (i.e. cause adverse changes to air, water, or land)
  2. Comply with applicable laws, regulations, and other environmentally oriented requirements, and
  3. Continually improve in the above.

ISO 14000 is similar to ISO 9000 quality management in that both pertain to the process of how a product is produced, rather than to the product itself. As with ISO 9000, certification is performed by third-party organizations rather than being awarded by ISO directly.

ISO 14001 sets out the criteria for an environmental management system. It does not state requirements for environmental performance, but maps out a framework that a company or organization can follow to set up an effective environmental management system. It can be used by any organization that wants to improve resource efficiency, reduce waste and drive down costs.

ISO 14001, as with other ISO 14000 standards, is voluntary (IISD 2010), with its main aim to assist companies in continually improving their environmental performance, whilst complying with any applicable legislation.

Being ISO 14001 accredited provides assurance to company management, employees and clients that environmental impact is being measured and improved by the accredited company.

For more information about Pamper Cleaning Services ISO 14001 accreditation with QMS please visit: